区块链 2025-01-28 15:57:33 -
三星携手Seatrees,利用Galaxy S24 Ultra推进全球珊瑚礁修复计划
三星携手Seatrees,利用Galaxy S24 Ultra推进全球珊瑚礁修复计划三星电子近日宣布与美国非营利组织Seatrees展开合作,共同致力于全球珊瑚礁修复工作。这项合作是三星继2022年推出采用回收废弃渔网制造组件的Galaxy S22系列之后,在海洋清洁和生态保护领域迈出的又一重要步伐...
手机互联 2025-01-28 15:50:58 -
Android 17: The End of App Orientation Restrictions and a New Era for Large-Screen Experiences
Android 17: The End of App Orientation Restrictions and a New Era for Large-Screen Experiences谷歌自Android 3.0(Honeycomb)时代就计划为平板电脑引入多列应用布局,但这一目标长期未能实现。 许多应用至今仍未针对大屏幕设备,例如可折叠手机和平板电脑进行优化,导致用户体验不佳...
手机互联 2025-01-28 15:08:00 -
iOS 18 Adoption Rate Mirrors iOS 17: Apple Reports 76% Uptake on iPhones Released in the Past Four Years
iOS 18 Adoption Rate Mirrors iOS 17: Apple Reports 76% Uptake on iPhones Released in the Past Four YearsApple has finally released adoption rate statistics for iOS 18, marking the first time the company has shared such data since the operating system's launch last September. The numbers reveal a consistent level of user adoption compared to its predecessor, iOS 17...
手机互联 2025-01-25 05:35:17 -
iPhone 17 系列重大升级:全新设计、产品线调整及Plus机型退场
iPhone 17 系列重大升级:全新设计、产品线调整及Plus机型退场快科技1月24日消息,博主定焦数码爆料称,即将发布的iPhone 17 Pro将带来自iPhone 11 Pro系列以来最重大的设计变革。 这一变革不仅体现在机身背面,也涉及到正面屏幕的灵动岛区域...
手机互联 2025-01-24 11:33:46 -
Apple Music每千次播放收益是Spotify两倍多:Duetti报告引发Spotify强烈回应
Apple Music每千次播放收益是Spotify两倍多:Duetti报告引发Spotify强烈回应音乐融资平台DUETTI近日发布报告,指出不同音乐流媒体平台对艺术家的收益差异巨大。报告显示,在2024年,Apple Music每1000次播放的平均收益为6.20美元(约合人民币45.1元),是Spotify每1000次播放3.00美元(约合人民币21.8元)的两倍以上...
手机互联 2025-01-24 08:04:48 -
高通骁龙8 Elite七核版性能曝光:Geekbench跑分揭秘性能差异
高通骁龙8 Elite七核版性能曝光:Geekbench跑分揭秘性能差异2024年1月21日,快科技报道了高通骁龙8 Elite七核版本的Geekbench性能跑分结果。与常规八核版本相比,七核版本的多核性能下降约14%...
手机互联 2025-01-21 17:20:01 -
iPhone SE (4th Generation): A Peek at the Potential “iPhone 16E” and its Leaked Features
iPhone SE (4th Generation): A Peek at the Potential “iPhone 16E” and its Leaked FeaturesRumors surrounding the launch of a new iPhone SE this year have intensified, potentially gaining credence from a recent leak by renowned tipster Evan Blass. Blass shared an image on a private social media platform, seemingly depicting source code that references an "iPhone SE (4th generation)...
手机互联 2025-01-21 03:57:52 -
苹果2025农历新年特别活动:App Store、Apple Music和Apple Podcast联袂打造沉浸式新年体验
苹果2025农历新年特别活动:App Store、Apple Music和Apple Podcast联袂打造沉浸式新年体验随着乙巳蛇年的到来,苹果公司旗下App Store、Apple Music和Apple Podcast同步推出丰富多彩的农历新年特别活动,为全球用户献上充满节日喜庆和文化内涵的数字盛宴。从游戏应用到音乐歌单,再到播客节目,苹果致力于为用户打造一个沉浸式的新年体验,让大家在辞旧迎新的时刻,享受科技带来的便捷和乐趣,感受浓浓的年味...
手机互联 2025-01-20 21:13:15 -
OPPO Find N5 Geekbench 跑分曝光:搭载骁龙 8 Elite 升级版处理器,性能表现强劲
OPPO Find N5 Geekbench 跑分曝光:搭载骁龙 8 Elite 升级版处理器,性能表现强劲IT之家 1 月 20 日消息,一款型号为“PKH110”的 OPPO 新机日前在 Geekbench 跑分平台现身,据推测为即将发布的 OPPO Find N5 折叠屏手机。这款备受期待的新机在 Geekbench 6.3.0 版本中取得了令人瞩目的成绩:单核跑分 3083 分,多核跑分 8865 分...
手机互联 2025-01-20 09:36:50 -
iPhone 17 Air: Apple's Ambitious Pursuit of Ultrathin Design
iPhone 17 Air: Apple's Ambitious Pursuit of Ultrathin DesignFor months, whispers have circulated about a redesigned iPhone 17 variant, tentatively dubbed the iPhone 17 Air, or a similar moniker. This new model is poised to replace the iPhone 17 Plus as Apple's fourth iPhone offering, debuting alongside the iPhone 17, iPhone 17 Pro, and iPhone 17 Pro Max...
手机互联 2025-01-18 13:15:06 -
苹果2025款HomePod:7英寸LCD屏幕、A18芯片,或成智能家居中枢据供应链消息源DigiTimesAsia 1月17日报道,苹果公司计划于2025年推出配备屏幕的HomePod智能音箱。该款HomePod将采用7英寸LCD屏幕,而非此前市场传闻的OLED屏幕,并由中国天马微电子公司独家供应...
手机互联 2025-01-17 12:56:27