ColorOS 15新增微博Live实况图发布功能,Find X8系列、一加13等机型适配
ColorOS 15新增微博Live实况图发布功能,Find X8系列、一加13等机型适配OPPO官方今日宣布,ColorOS 15系统已支持在微博App发布Live实况图功能,为用户带来了更便捷的图片分享体验。此功能的加入,进一步丰富了ColorOS 15系统的社交分享能力,让用户可以更轻松地与朋友分享生活中的精彩瞬间...
手机互联 2024-12-02 21:42:34 -
OPPO Find X8系列:市场表现亮眼,未来规划引关注
OPPO Find X8系列:市场表现亮眼,未来规划引关注OPPO Find X8系列于今年十月正式发布,凭借其搭载的潮汐引擎×天玑9400芯片,以及AI一键问屏、超高速无影抓拍等创新功能,迅速赢得了市场关注。这款新机在发布前就已积累了不俗的人气,其市场表现也印证了这一点...
手机互联 2024-12-02 18:37:19 -
OPPO Find X8 Ultra:2024年旗舰新机,影像实力与华为Mate70系列比肩
OPPO Find X8 Ultra:2024年旗舰新机,影像实力与华为Mate70系列比肩随着2023年12月临近,众多手机厂商新机的发布也逐渐进入尾声,大部分厂商的目光已经转向2024年。OPPO Find X8 Ultra作为OPPO旗下备受期待的高端旗舰,近期更是屡次被爆料,其激进的配置和功能特性引发广泛关注,特别是其与华为Mate70系列在影像系统上的相似之处...
手机互联 2024-12-01 23:36:27 -
谷歌Pixel 8/9系列Android 15更新后出现恼人“Answer”通知BUG
谷歌Pixel 8/9系列Android 15更新后出现恼人“Answer”通知BUG科技媒体Android Authority于11月30日报道,谷歌Pixel 8和Pixel 9系列手机在安装最新稳定版Android 15系统更新后,出现了一个令人困扰的BUG。该BUG表现为:当用户收到来电时,屏幕上会持续显示一个药丸状的“Answer”通知,即使电话结束后也无法消除...
手机互联 2024-11-30 15:40:22 -
OPPO Find X8 Ultra领衔:2025年OPPO与一加的双重战略布局
OPPO Find X8 Ultra领衔:2025年OPPO与一加的双重战略布局今年手机市场竞争激烈,厂商们使出浑身解数争夺市场份额。面对激烈的竞争,OPPO和一加采取了双管齐下的策略:一方面提前筹备新机,另一方面积极更新现有机型的系统版本,以提升用户体验和品牌口碑...
手机互联 2024-11-29 23:38:30 -
vivo X200s、小米15 Ultra和OPPO Find X8 Ultra:新机迭代速度之快令人咋舌
vivo X200s、小米15 Ultra和OPPO Find X8 Ultra:新机迭代速度之快令人咋舌今年手机市场竞争激烈,各品牌新机迭代速度之快令人目不暇接。就在vivo X200系列发布不到两个月之际,各品牌旗舰新机的曝光信息接踵而至,其中包括vivo X200s、小米15 Ultra和OPPO Find X8 Ultra等备受瞩目的机型,它们几乎在同一天由知名爆料人“数码闲聊站”曝光,引发了广泛关注...
手机互联 2024-11-29 06:43:16 -
OPPO Find X8 Ultra:珠峰之巅的旗舰影像体验
OPPO Find X8 Ultra:珠峰之巅的旗舰影像体验OPPO Find X8 Ultra,代号“珠峰”,正蓄势待发,即将引领高端手机市场的新一轮革新。这款备受期待的旗舰机型,近期不断有新的爆料信息流出,为我们揭开了其神秘面纱的一角...
手机互联 2024-11-28 19:57:12 -
OPPO Find X8 Ultra:影像旗舰巅峰之作,双潜望长焦再进化
OPPO Find X8 Ultra:影像旗舰巅峰之作,双潜望长焦再进化OPPO Find X8 Ultra,代号“珠峰”,正如其代号所暗示的那样,这款即将问世的旗舰手机旨在攀登手机影像技术的最高峰。根据博主数码闲聊站的爆料,OPPO Find X8 Ultra 将搭载一系列顶尖配置,力求在影像领域树立新的标杆...
手机互联 2024-11-28 18:14:37 -
Apple 2024 World AIDS Day Campaign: A $3 Million Pledge to the Global Fund
Apple 2024 World AIDS Day Campaign: A $3 Million Pledge to the Global FundApple is once again demonstrating its commitment to the fight against AIDS with a significant donation campaign coinciding with World AIDS Day on December 1st. This year’s initiative represents a substantial escalation of Apple's longstanding partnership with the Global Fund, a crucial organization combating AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria worldwide...
手机互联 2024-11-27 21:44:34 -
Redmi K80: Flagship Performance at a Surprisingly Affordable Price
Redmi K80: Flagship Performance at a Surprisingly Affordable PriceRedmi's K series has always been known for offering flagship-level features at competitive prices, and the newly launched K80 is no exception. This latest iteration, touted as the strongest standard version in the K series' history, boasts impressive specifications while defying expectations with its surprisingly accessible pricing...
手机互联 2024-11-27 21:06:12 -
Android 15 QPR2 锁屏通知迎来“极简模式”,告别信息轰炸时代
Android 15 QPR2 锁屏通知迎来“极简模式”,告别信息轰炸时代Android 15 QPR2 的更新备受期待,而近期曝光的一项新功能更是让用户眼前一亮:锁屏极简通知(Lockscreen notification minimalism)。预计将于2025年3月正式发布的Android 15 QPR2稳定版本,将为饱受锁屏通知信息轰炸困扰的用户带来福音...
手机互联 2024-11-27 16:26:44 -
Realme GT7 Pro Global Launch: Flagship Specs at a Competitive Price
Realme GT7 Pro Global Launch: Flagship Specs at a Competitive PriceRealme's GT7 Pro, initially launched in China four weeks prior, has made its official debut in the global market. This flagship device boasts impressive specifications, including the powerful Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 processor, a stunning display, and a versatile camera system...
手机互联 2024-11-26 22:20:31