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  • 《周杰伦2024 Apple Music中国区年度最热歌曲榜单霸榜,十强席位全被占据》

    《周杰伦2024 Apple Music中国区年度最热歌曲榜单霸榜,十强席位全被占据》

    《周杰伦2024 Apple Music中国区年度最热歌曲榜单霸榜,十强席位全被占据》2024年Apple Music中国大陆地区年度最热歌曲TOP100榜单于12月4日正式公布,华语乐坛天王周杰伦再度展现其强大的音乐影响力,以压倒性优势霸占榜单。不仅经典之作《七里香》蝉联冠军宝座,其其他作品更是在前十名中占据所有席位,展现出其在华语乐坛的持久号召力与无可撼动的地位...

    手机互联 2024-12-04 14:50:36
  • Nothing公司神秘新机曝光:三款代号“asteroids”、“asteroids_plus”和“galaga”的智能手机即将面世



    手机互联 2024-12-04 14:31:24
  • Apple Music Replay 2024上线:更丰富的年度听歌报告及Apple Books 年度回顾同步推出

    Apple Music Replay 2024上线:更丰富的年度听歌报告及Apple Books 年度回顾同步推出

    Apple Music Replay 2024上线:更丰富的年度听歌报告及Apple Books 年度回顾同步推出Apple Music 的年度听歌报告——Apple Music Replay 2024 正式上线!今年,用户可以直接在 Apple Music 应用内查看并分享他们的年度音乐数据,无需再跳转至外部网站。这一便捷的升级无疑为数百万 Apple Music 用户带来更流畅、更直观的体验...

    手机互联 2024-12-04 10:29:29
  • 荣耀300 Ultra震撼发布:50MP潜望式长焦镜头,引领人像摄影新纪元

    荣耀300 Ultra震撼发布:50MP潜望式长焦镜头,引领人像摄影新纪元

    荣耀300 Ultra震撼发布:50MP潜望式长焦镜头,引领人像摄影新纪元荣耀今日正式发布了备受期待的荣耀300 Ultra手机,作为荣耀300系列的旗舰机型,这款手机以其强大的影像系统和卓越的性能,迅速成为了行业焦点。荣耀300 Ultra拥有墨岩黑和山茶白两款经典配色,并采用独特的7层素皮浮雕设计,售价4199元起,为用户带来极致的质感体验...

    手机互联 2024-12-02 20:12:11
  • 三星Galaxy Fold7 Variant(Triple): 三折叠手机新纪元即将开启?

    三星Galaxy Fold7 Variant(Triple): 三折叠手机新纪元即将开启?

    三星Galaxy Fold7 Variant(Triple): 三折叠手机新纪元即将开启?近年来,可折叠手机市场竞争日益激烈,各大厂商纷纷推出各自的旗舰机型,以争夺市场份额。而作为可折叠手机领域的领导者之一,三星一直致力于推动可折叠手机技术的发展...

    手机互联 2024-11-30 21:44:25
  • 谷歌Pixel 8/9系列Android 15更新后出现恼人“Answer”通知BUG

    谷歌Pixel 8/9系列Android 15更新后出现恼人“Answer”通知BUG

    谷歌Pixel 8/9系列Android 15更新后出现恼人“Answer”通知BUG科技媒体Android Authority于11月30日报道,谷歌Pixel 8和Pixel 9系列手机在安装最新稳定版Android 15系统更新后,出现了一个令人困扰的BUG。该BUG表现为:当用户收到来电时,屏幕上会持续显示一个药丸状的“Answer”通知,即使电话结束后也无法消除...

    手机互联 2024-11-30 15:40:22
  • 以太坊的衰落:Solana崛起与Layer-2网络的冲击



    区块链 2024-11-30 12:58:03
  • iPhone 17系列重大升级:取消Plus版本,带来四款机型,超薄Air版引关注,但价格或将突破万元大关

    iPhone 17系列重大升级:取消Plus版本,带来四款机型,超薄Air版引关注,但价格或将突破万元大关

    iPhone 17系列重大升级:取消Plus版本,带来四款机型,超薄Air版引关注,但价格或将突破万元大关苹果即将推出的iPhone 17系列,据多方爆料,将进行重大调整,取消此前备受欢迎的Plus版本,转而推出四款机型:iPhone 17、iPhone 17 Air(暂命名)、iPhone 17 Pro和iPhone 17 Pro Max。 此次调整旨在更好地满足不同用户的需求,并对屏幕、通信、影像等多个方面进行优化升级,部分此前仅限于Pro系列的配置也将下放到标准版机型...

    手机互联 2024-11-29 21:47:58
  • Apple 2024 World AIDS Day Campaign: A $3 Million Pledge to the Global Fund

    Apple 2024 World AIDS Day Campaign: A $3 Million Pledge to the Global Fund

    Apple 2024 World AIDS Day Campaign: A $3 Million Pledge to the Global FundApple is once again demonstrating its commitment to the fight against AIDS with a significant donation campaign coinciding with World AIDS Day on December 1st. This year’s initiative represents a substantial escalation of Apple's longstanding partnership with the Global Fund, a crucial organization combating AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria worldwide...

    手机互联 2024-11-27 21:44:34
  • Redmi K80: Flagship Performance at a Surprisingly Affordable Price

    Redmi K80: Flagship Performance at a Surprisingly Affordable Price

    Redmi K80: Flagship Performance at a Surprisingly Affordable PriceRedmi's K series has always been known for offering flagship-level features at competitive prices, and the newly launched K80 is no exception. This latest iteration, touted as the strongest standard version in the K series' history, boasts impressive specifications while defying expectations with its surprisingly accessible pricing...

    手机互联 2024-11-27 21:06:12
  •  腾讯充值Apple Store立减券来啦!iOS用户速领!

    腾讯充值Apple Store立减券来啦!iOS用户速领!

    腾讯充值Apple Store立减券来啦!iOS用户速领!8月17号消息,目前iOS端用户可以领取腾讯充值AppleStore立减券了!单个用户限领一张满1000元减100元的优惠券,先到先得。据了解,活动时间截止至8月18号晚23点59分,感兴趣的小伙伴们可要抓紧时间啦!领取的优惠券只能在微信腾讯充值-AppleStore充值页面中使用,不能与其他常规活动叠加使用...

    手机互联 2024-11-27 12:41:42
  • Realme GT7 Pro Global Launch: Flagship Specs at a Competitive Price

    Realme GT7 Pro Global Launch: Flagship Specs at a Competitive Price

    Realme GT7 Pro Global Launch: Flagship Specs at a Competitive PriceRealme's GT7 Pro, initially launched in China four weeks prior, has made its official debut in the global market. This flagship device boasts impressive specifications, including the powerful Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 processor, a stunning display, and a versatile camera system...

    手机互联 2024-11-26 22:20:31



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